Monday, June 28, 2010

Future Dr. Peter

At the end of the day, baby Michael often accompanies me to the clinic to help finish up charting, answer e-mails and flirt with the nursing staff. He's a good little helper. :-)

10 Week Checkup

Yes, we were proven right! MP2 has grown in his first ten weeks of life. Last week, he went in for his 10-week checkup and brought Mom and Dad along as well. He weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs 11 ozs - almost 5 lbs more than his birth weight. He is also now 24 inches long/tall.

Little Man also had his first shots last week. Of course, he tried to weather them as best he could - but felt pretty bad for a couple more days. He has become quite adept at giving us his sad face. Oh, his sad face is so sad.

All-in-all, he is right on track with a healthy weight, nice growth (and a giant head - for all of the brain power), and increasing interactivity. He is fascinated with his own hands and with pulling off Dad's glasses at every opportunity.

We're pretty sure he will be driving next week, so stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It Has Been A While

Wow, how time flies! I can't believe that it has been almost two months since we posted anythign on Michael's advetnures - and he has certainly had a few.

During the last two months since his grandmother's visit, he was visited by his paternal grandfather - namesake for the middle name, he was visited by his maternal aunts - Nemo and Pemo, he visited Salt Lake City to meet more of his maternal extended family and to do a little skiing. Ok, he didn't actually go skiing, but he has done many fun things. At different points in these visits, Michael went to the library, the natural history museum, the Newseum, President's Lincoln's summer cottage, two baseball games, and a couple of happy hours. When he was not socializing out and about, he was organizing community cookouts and other get-togethers. We are pretty sure that he has more active social schedule than either of us.

It seems that everyone Michael he meets, he loves and they love him right back. In fact, we are close to proving that he is the cutest baby alive today - the test results should be in soon. Seriously, Michael is very social and is happiest when he is out with the people. When he is at home for a quiet evening, he easily gets bored and just yells - he doesn't really cry - he yells to voice his displeasure. Lately, Christine has determined that he is most entertained by the ceiling fan in our bedroom. He just stares at for long periods of time and delights with laughter when it is turned on. Oh, but we definitley cannot turn it off. That's when the yelling begins.

Just two nights ago, Christine left a sleeping Michael on the bed and he did not utter a peep for a couple of hours! We had no idea what to do with ourselves since he was not with us and taking all of our attention. When we went to check on him, oh yes, he was just staring at the fan and delighting in watching it turn.

Michael has started going to a babysitter during the day and that has actually worked out very well. We found Amy Jo on Craig's List. She is a new mother as well and wanted to stay home with Finn. In order to do this, she wanted to take in one more child to care for during the day. This has worked out very well! Michael has a friend and we get a preview of what is to come in the next few months by seeing Finn grow as well.

Now for the big challenge coming up - I (Dad Michael) am going to be home along with the baby for a couple of days leading up to the Fourth of July. I know I can do it and Michael has agreed that he will be on best behavior. I will try to do the same. I have finally gotten used to the constant diaper changes and perform many of them myself.

One of Michael's favorite games right now is "Poop on Dad." I am not sure what the prize is and who wins, but we have resorted to wrapping his diapered bottom in a towel or blanket before he sits on my lap to watch Saturday mornign home improvement shows. Seriously, where does it all come from? He has caught us by surprise a couple of times with sneak attacks when the diaper is being changed. In addition to being the (soon-to-be-proven) cutest boy alive, he is also quite possibly the most regular person alive. He should be studied. School-aged children could learn something.

We will post more photos very soon as he is growing and changiong every day. He is no longer a newborn - he looks like a real little boy. A little boy who we love very much.